1. What is the Dam Safety Plan?

A: The Dam Safety Plan (PSB) is part of the National Dam Safety Policy, established by Law No 12.334 dated September 20, 2010. Each plant has its own plan, because each plant, dam and locations are different, as are the impacts of an eventual break or rupture. Dam Break studies are carried out in the Emergency Action Plan - PAE - to prepare a response in case of a potential rupture of each busbar structure. These studies seek to define the flood patches, the responsibilities and the emergency procedures for identifying, preventing, communicating and notifying emergencies.

2. Do all FURNAS plants have Dam Safety Plans?

A: Yes. All the Dams Safety Plans for all FURNAS System plants were delivered to the municipal and state agencies within the deadlines established by law. This information will support any action taken by the legally constituted municipal and state bodies, such as the City Hall, Police Department, Fire Department and Civil Defense. These bodies are accountable for creating a Contingency Plan for each region and situation.

3. Who is responsible for alerting the surrounding population in the event of a dam failure?

A: Each region’s Contingency Plan is the responsibility of legally constituted municipal and state bodies, such as the City Hall, Police Department, Fire Department and Civil Defense. These bodies have knowledge about the community where they operate, including its characteristics and singularities.

4. How does FURNAS guarantee the safety of its dams?

A: FURNAS has deployed the dam safety control protocol for more than 40 years, which includes regular inspections and corrective and preventive maintenance. The equipment integrity and structural safety of each FURNAS plant is ensured by protocols that are constantly enforced on operations, preventively tracking down any potential errors and warning operators to immediately intervene or call upon the responsible maintenance body.

5. How does the company implement these protocols in practice?

A: The Dam Safety activities include regular plant inspections by the FURNAS technical staff, which are supported by structural assessments through the analysis of operational registries.

6. Is it normal for water to run over the dam?

A: There are several types of dams. Some are built to allow water to flow freely over the structure without compromising its activities. The overtopping style dam at Anta Plant (RJ) is an example of this.

7. Can heavy rainfall put a dam at risk?

A: The FURNAS dams are built in accordance with the best international engineering practices in the industry and are designed accounting for rainfall levels that only occurs every 10 thousand years, in other words, much higher than usual.

If a very significant increase in water flow is recorded to the point of posing a risk to the dam, a water outlet called spillway is opened to reduce the level of the reservoir and preserve the dam. The spillway water does not generate energy. It is returned to the riverbed without entering the turbines.

8. Can the dam help prevent floods?

A: Yes. The reservoir of an hydroelectric power plant is made to retain incoming water. It is possible to store excess water in the reservoir and control the outflow of this water, avoiding any excess volume from reaching the areas downstream all at once.